Issue |
Volume 11, Number 6, Novembre-Décembre 2004
Page(s) | 425 - 435 | |
Section | Actifs lipidiques, excipients et formulations cosmétiques | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 November 2004 |
Conférence Chevreul
Voies inhabituelles de synthèse de composés oléophiles à partir des substrats végétaux solides (graines oléoprotéagineuses), liquides (huiles végétales et dérivés, glycérol) pour l’industrie chimique
ENSIACET – UMR 1010 Unité chimie agro-industrielle-UCAI INRA/INP-ENSIACET
118, route de Narbonne, 31077
Toulouse Cedex 4
In this study two major strategy of transformation of the vegetables substrate are exposed. The first approach is related to the study of the catalytic heterocyclisation of natural glycerin in the glycerol carbonate. The system glycerol/glycerol carbonate constitutes a reactional medium of synthon generation and chemical compounds with skelton of multipurpose glycerylic. Glycerol carbonate is a molecule of first generation of the glycerol, it is conceived in natural media as a new chemistry which makes it possible to reinject glycerol in existing or new industry from the orginal procedure by the way of chemical means.
The second approach regards the oleaginous seeds, as substrate in vitro or as microreactor in vivo. This marks a technological breakage compared to the model and tradional process of prapartion of oleochemical bases. In this matter it seems possible to obtain the fatty acids, fatty esters, directly from the oleaginous seeds by interaction between lipids and functional enzymes. This quantitave experimental approach produces the free hydrophobic moity and guarantees the multifonctionnal oleophiles compounds from the renewable oleochemistry.
Key words: glycerol / glycerol carbonate / monoglyceride / sucroesters fatty acids / fatty esters / oleaginous seeds
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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