Issue |
Volume 11, Number 4-5, Juillet-Octobre 2004
Page(s) | 318 - 322 | |
Section | Conséquences de la réforme | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2004 |
Réforme de la PAC de 2003 et spécialisation régionale des productions agricoles
Laboratoire d’économie publique.INRAINA. PG, 16, rue Claude Bernard 75 231 Paris Cedex 5
01 44 08 72 87
01 44 08 16 63
Laboratoire d’économie forestière (UMR ENGREF/INRA) 14, rue Girardet, 54042 Nancy cedex
In giving the market a leading role, the June 2003’s Common Agricultural Policy reform asks the question of production’s distribution over the territory of the EU. Using recent research on possible impacts the new CAP reform would have, this paper sums up the issues of land abandonment, regional specialisation of production and probable evolutions of field crops. In other respects, the paper underlines some incompatibilities in the reform measures and some contradictions to the stated form objectives.
Key words: Common Agricultural Policy / reform / de-coupling / regional specialisation
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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