Issue |
Volume 11, Number 4-5, Juillet-Octobre 2004
Page(s) | 309 - 317 | |
Section | Conséquences de la réforme | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2004 |
La nouvelle PAC et les soutiens directs aux exploitations françaises de grandes cultures : paiement unique, régionalisation et modulation
INRA Economie et sociologie rurales, rue de la Géraudière, BP 71627, 44316 Nantes
Within the framework of the Common agricultural policy (CAP) reform of June 2003, this article deals with the direct supports granted to the French farms specialised in field crops. Some simulations are applied on the individual data of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Farms are distributed according various technical systems. Several aspects are highlighted: the direct payments play a very important role in the farm income; the amount of the future single payment being given on the basis of the individual reference acquired in 2000-2002, great dimension units should preserve high amounts of direct supports; applying the principle of regionalization, without transitional period, but with an integral mutualisation (i.e. the single payment per hectare is, in the same area, common to all farmers), would induce a fall of the income of the farms specialized in field crops. This fall would be more important in the units located in diversified areas (beef, sheep or extensive dairy production).
Key words: CAP reform / decoupling / directs subsidies / field crops / farms / FADN
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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