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Plant and algal lipidomes: Analysis, composition, and their societal significance

Juliette Jouhet, Eliana Alves, Yohann Boutté, Sylvain Darnet, Frédéric Domergue, Thierry Durand, Pauline Fischer, Laetitia Fouillen, Mara Grube, Jérôme Joubès, Uldis Kalnenieks, Joanna M. Kargul, Inna Khozin-Goldberg, Catherine Leblanc, Sophia Letsiou, Josselin Lupette, Gabriel V. Markov, Isabel Medina, Tânia Melo, Peter Mojzeš, Svetlana Momchilova, Sébastien Mongrand, Ana S.P. Moreira, Bruna B. Neves, Camille Oger, et al.
Progress in Lipid Research 96 101290 (2024)