Open Access

Table 2

Integrated weed management in the sesame fields.

Preventing the establishment of weeds Crop rotation, mixed cultivation, use of clean sesame seeds, use of pre-emergence herbicides such as pendimethalin (4 L ha−1) or trifluralin (2 L ha−1), use of mulch, edge of field weed control
Reducing the adverse effects of emerging weeds Choosing the suitable variety, Highly vigorous seeds, accurate planting date and depth, proper planting arrangement and density, water and nutrients management, application of post-emergence herbicides before weed bolting such as haloxyfop-r-methyl (0.75 L ha−1), sethoxydim (3 L ha−1), clethodim (1 L ha−1), fluazifop-p-butyl (1.5 L ha−1) and cycloxydim (3 L ha−1), weeding (twice 15 and 30 days after planting) or cultivator (30 days after planting)
Reducing weed seed bank Residue management, weed seed-free machinery, use of decomposed organic fertilisers, prevention of weed seed production

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