Table 5

Fatty acid profile of Futura 75 hemp seed.

Fatty acid Percentage of total (%)
C16:0 − Palmitic acid 7,06 ± 0,00e
C16:1n9 − Palmitoleic acid 0,00 ± 0,00a
C18:0 − Stearic acid 3,06 ± 0,08d
C18:1n9 − Oleic acid 15,68 ± 0,05g
C18:2n6 − Linoleic acid 57,04 ± 0,28h
C20:0 − Arachidic acid 0,81 ± 0,13b
C18:3n6 − γ Linolenic acid 2,02 ± 0,01c
C18:3n3 − α Linolenic acid 13,84 ± 0,26f
C20:1n9 − Eicosenoic acid 0,50 ± 0,03ab
Σ SFA 10,92 ± 0,21
Σ MUFA 16,18 ± 0,08
Σ PUFA 73,40 ± 0,58
Σ UFA 89,58 ± 0,63
Ratio ω6/ω3 4,10 ± 0,02

Means with a different letter are significantly different (p < 0,05).

Σ SFA: the sum of all saturated fatty acids. Σ MUFA: the sum of all monounsaturated fatty acids. Σ PUFA: the sum of all polyunsaturated fatty acids. Σ UFA: the sum of all unsaturated fatty acids.

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