Table 2

Phytochemical composition of seed oil of Ailanthus excelsa based on analysis performed using GC-MS.

Peak Start RT End Height Area Area % Name of compound
1 22.625 22.810 22.918 9616309 52104858 03.97 n-Hexadecanoic acid
2 25.349 25.762 25.842 31775335 512125795 39.04 Oleic acid
3 25.842 25.928 26.003 20498920 74988519 05.72 Octadecanoic acid (stearic acid)
4 28.526 28.583 28.681 3677826 7997425 00.61 9-Octadecenoic acid, 2-Hydroxyethyl ester
5 29.028 29.092 29.258 2432327 8698038 00.66 1-Ethynycyclododecanol

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