Open Access
Table 1
Origin, type, pedigree and some phenotypic characters of the 22 rapeseed varieties studied.
Rapeseed varieties | Origin | Type/genetic structure | Pedigree | Phenotypic description |
ADILA | Morocco | Synthetic Variety | Intercrossing of four inbred lines: INRA-L615/INRA-L455 + INRA-L315 + INRA-L515 | Leaves quite developed with medium serration, strong lobes, and an intermediate green blade. Main stem of medium height. Pale-yellow flowers. Long beaked siliques (Guirrou et al., 2023). |
LILA | Morocco | Synthetic Variety | Intercrossing of four inbred lines: INRA-L455/INRA-L615 + INRA-L315 + INRA-L515 | Leaves quite developed with strong serration, very strong lobes, and a light-green blade. Main stem of medium height. Pale-yellow flowers. Long beaked siliques (Guirrou et al., 2023). |
MOUFIDA | Morocco | Pure line | Cross between two introduced varieties: Westar/Optima | Medium plant height. Developed leaves with medium serration, strong lobes, and a medium green blade. Flowers of bright-yellow color. Siliques with long beak (Guirrou et al., 2023). |
NARJISSE | Morocco | Pure line | Individual plant selection from an open-pollinated population | High plant with developed leaves, strong lobes, and a blade with a bright-green color. Mid-early flowering and high branching (Guirrou et al., 2023). |
CZ-H2 | Morocco | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
BARAKA | Morocco | Pure line | Cross between two inbred lines: INRA-L115/INRA-L455 | Very high plant with developed leaves, strong lobes, and a blade of light-green color. Late flowering and high branching(Guirrou et al., 2023). |
NAP9 | Australia | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
NAP10 | Australia | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP1 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP3 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP4 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP13 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP16 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
AUP17 | Pakistan | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
ALBA | Unknown | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
KABEL | Spain | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
LUCIA | Spain | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
LYSIDE | Danemark | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
MACRO | Germany | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
SEVEN | Unknown | Pure line | …........................................... | …........................................... |
JURA | France | Pure line | …........................................... | |
TRAPER | Germany | Hybrid Variety | …........................................... | …........................................... |
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