Open Access

Table 1

Total phenol content of extracted pomegranate seed oil incorporated with green tea leaves during the storage.

Sample Storage time (day)

1 30 60 90
T0* 2.7Be** 2.3Ce 3.4Ad 3.7Ad
T2.5 3.4Bd 2.8Cd 5.9Ac 6.1Ac
T5 5.6Cc 4.4Dc 6Bc 7.8Ab
T7.5 8.2Ab 4.7Cb 5.3Bb 8Ab
T10 12.1Aa 10Ba 12.2Aa 11.9Aa

*For samples see Figure 1.

**Different small superscripts indicate the significant difference between the samples while the different capital superscripts indicate the significant difference between the days (P < 0.05).

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