Table 1

Genetic characteristics, varieties, and genetic origins of the parents of the different oil palm progenies (PIC, 2011)

Progenies Dura (Male parent) Dura origins Pisifera (Female parent) Pisifera origins Genetic origins
C1 PO 2630 D DA 10D × DA 3 D PO 2766 P LM 10 T AF D × L
C2 PO 3174 D DA 115 D AF PO 2973 P LM 5 T × LM 10 T D × L
C3 PO 3174 D DA 115 D AF PO 4747 P LM 5 T AF D × L
C4 PO 4953 D Unknown PO 4260 P LM 238 T × LM 511 P D × Y

D × L: Deli × La Mé.

D × Y: Deli × Yangambi.

The last letter after the PO number (e.g., PO 2630 D or PO 2766 P or LM 10 T) indicates the main varietal group: P = Pisifera, D = Dura, and T = Tenera

Progenies C1, C2, C3 and C4 are all Tenera crosses (They all come from crosses between a Dura and a Pisifera variety)

Data in the Dura and Pisifera columns show the genetic material from which female inflorescences and male inflorescences (pollen) were used to obtain the progenies.

AF refers to self-pollinated trees (e.g., LM 10 T AF = LM 10 T × LM 10 T).

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