Table 1

Recent planted areas of confection sunflower in the major producing countries.

Country All types (M ha) Confection type (ha × 10000) Percentage of confection type (%) References
Russia 8.50 100.00* 12 Demurin (2018)
China 0.59 56.00 95 Zhang (2020)
Ukraine 6.40 19.00 3–5 Hladni and Miladinović (2019)
Turkey 0.78 9.82 12 Tan and Kaya (2019)
USA 0.56 6.27 11 USDA and NASS (2018)
Argentina 1.86 3.00 2 Castaño (2018)
Serbia 0.22 1.15 5–10 Terzić et al. (2017); Hladni and Miladinović (2019)
Spain 0.70 0.70 1 Estimated

The planting area of confection sunflower in Russia needs to be further verified.

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