Table 3a

Pollinator force in Dura fruit form.

Months E. kamerunicus E. plagiatus Elaeidobius sp. 1 E. singularis E. subvittatus E. bilineatus M. congolenses M. dispar Cum. Total Avg. No. Anth. Infl. Estimated PF
August 319 783 910 969 898 145.5 27.9 31 4083.4 7 28 583.8
September 313 2504 1427 1285 1040 219.8 15.5 117.6 6921.9 7 48 453.3
October 548 2789 2965 752 768 86.7 99 123.8 8131.5 7 56 920.5
November 2690 3699 1597 399 563 52.6 108.3 148.6 9257.5 7 64 802.5
December 6661 7135 1433 984 3083 49.5 213.6 61.9 19 621 7 137 347
January 5838 7788 1789 2442 4983 37.1 278.6 133.1 23 288.8 7 163 021.6
February 5995 3488 3321 6472 5906 557.1 148.6 222.9 26 110.6 7 182 774.2
March 907 1965 953 4089 4720 362.1 37.1 219.8 13 253 7 92 771
April 848 4309 6401 10 672 7463 3166.4 74.3 776.9 33 710.6 7 235 974.2
May 3928 5101 11 811 11 746 9793 3166.4 204.3 1807.6 47 557.3 7 332 901.1

Avg. No. Anth. Infl.: Average Number of Anthesising Inflorescences; PF: Pollinator Force.

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