Table 1

Other insect species found on oil palm inflorescence.

Insect visit on inflorescence
S/N Species Order Family Dura Tenera
Male Female Male Female
1 Gnorimus variabilis Coleoptera Scarabaeidae x x
2 Oryctes rhinoceros Coleoptera Scarabaeidae x x x
3 Unidentified sp. 1 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae
4 Unidentified sp. 2 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae
5 Unidentified sp. 3 Coleoptera Scarabaeidae x x x
6 Litargus connexus Coleoptera Mycetophagidae x x
7 Mycetophagus punctatus Coleoptera Mycetophagidae x x
8 Temnoschoita quadripustulata Coleoptera Curculionidae
9 Heterothops dissimilis Coleoptera Staphylinidae x x
10 Blattella orientalis Dictyoptera Blattidae x x x
11 Chlorops sp. Diptera Chloropidae x x
12 Chlorichaeta tuberculosa Diptera Ephydridae x x
13 Megaselia rufipes Diptera Phoridae x x x
14 Unidentified sp. 4 Diptera Unknown x x
15 Oris insidiosis Hemiptera Anthocoridae x x
16 Pachycondyla sp. Hymenoptera Formicidae x x
17 Camponotus pensylvanicus Hymenoptera Formicidae x x
18 Monomorium pharaonis Hymenoptera Formicidae x x
19 Odontomachus sp. Hymenoptera Formicidae x x
20 Apis mellifera Hymenoptera Apidae x x
21 Unidentified sp. 5 Hymenoptera Formicidae x x

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