Open Access

Table 4

Tocopherols of canola seeds oil achieved by different pretreatment.

Tocopherols type Standard Optimized sample
Alpha tocopherols (ppm) 367.3 ± 1.94aB 351.02 ± 25.80aB
Delta tocopherols (ppm) 0.00bC ± 0.00bC 30.07 ± 0.24aC
Gama tocopherols (ppm) 602.05 ± 4.80aA 644.52 ± 1.02aA
Total tocopherols (ppm) 969.78 ± 6.74 1025.61 ± 27.06

The similar capital and small letter in each column and row respectively demonstrating the non-significant difference in the confidence level of 0.05.

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