Table 1

Oilseed and confectionary sunflower production values in Turkey (Anonymous, 2017b).

Year Production area (da) Production (Metric tons) Yield (kg/da)

  Oilseed Confectionary Total Oilseed Confectionary Total Oilseed Confectionary
2004 4 800 000 700 000 5 500 000 8 00 000 1 00 000 900 000 167 143
2005 4 900 000 760 000 5 660 000 8 65 000 1 10 000 975 000 177 145
2006 5 100 000 754 000 5 854 000 1 010 000 10 8 000 111 8000 198 143
2007 4 857 000 689 778 5 546 778 7 70 000 84 407 854 407 159 122
2008 5 100 000 700 000 5 800 000 900 387 91 613 992 000 177 131
2009 5 150 000 690 000 5 840 000 960 300 96 825 1 057 125 186 140
2010 5 514 000 900 000 6 414 000 1 170 000 150 000 1 320 000 212 167
2011 5 560 000 997 000 6 557 000 1 170 000 165 000 1 335 000 210 165
2012 5 046 160 1 000 000 6 046 160 1 200 000 170 000 1 370 000 238 170
2013 5 202 600 895 239 6 097 839 1 380 000 143 000 1 523 000 265 160
2014 5 524 651 1049 925 6 574 576 1 480 000 157 900 1 637 900 268 150
2015 5 689 950 1163 224 6 853 174 1 500 000 180 700 1 680 700 264 155
2016 6 167 800 1033 281 7 201 081 1 500 000 170 716 1 670 716 243 165
2017 6 813 976 982 241 77 96 217 1 800 000 164 385 1 964 385 264 167

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