Open Access

Table 1

Driving and main secondary assumptions.

MAIN 2013 SC1 Chaos SC2 Blocks SC3 Trust SC4 Climate

Population 7.2 8.9 8.4 7.9 8.9

Agricultural yields stagnation weak moderate stagnation

Per capita animal low moderate high low
proteins consumption

Political behaviours passivity and everyone blocks policies cooperation cooperation
regarding global change for himself

Economic growth weak moderate high moderate

high, and contrasts high, and contrasts
Petroleum price 105//770 5070// 6080// between regions between regions
$/ barel//$/ton 365511 450610 - –> 135/150 - –> 135/150
//9501100 //9501100

Animal protein
consumption g/cap/day

China 37 39 46 46 41

India 14 20 21 36 18

Africa 14 16 26 26 18

Europe 67 49 54 65 36

USA 70 55 61 66 43

rest of the world 37 26 31 37 36

World 31 29 34 39 29

World Palm oil for food 41 “more than 4250 MT 50 MT
consumption MT/year 200 MT”

Health policies in Europe no yes yes yes

Nutritional no or poorly yes yes –> oméga-3 yes –> oméga-3
recommendations are
taken into account

EU policies on biofuels biofuels Renewable energy Renewable energy
not mandatory directive maintained/ directive maintained/biofuels
mandatory not mandatory

Reinforced regulations no generalized carbon yes, standardization yes, carbon tax
regarding sustainability tax in Europe and standardization

GMO deregulated no crops constraints constrainsts are
regulations no use in Europe are lifted partially lifted

Antibiotics free prohibited prohibited ?
uses in feed

Green chemistry, biorefinery stagnating strong development strongdevelopment strong development
(Asia leader for

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