Open Access

Table 4

Yield increases required for the potential value of the protein crops to match that of maize.

Crop Value

France Spain Hungary Neth. Germany Italy Sweden Poland EU-27

irrigated rain fed warm moderate cool Lombardy Emilio-Romagna Tuscany

Soya 103% 173% 139% 74% 174% 102% 76% 111% 75% 89% 135% 139% 63%
Rape 45% 119% 102% 49% 70% 64% 36% 11% 117% 52% 43% 27% 41% 25%
Sunflower 87% 194% 180% 43% 52% 63% 75% 46% 92% 64%
Lupin 170% 615% 602% 267% 233% 164% 193% 154% 213% 443%
Pea 111% 373% 532% 148% 120% 203% 96% 62% 139% 138% 114% 104% 149% 120%
Faba bean 70% 307% 283% 189% 108% 167% 90% 42% 262% 190% 144% 109% 125% 112%
Alfalfa 44% 46% 157% 93% 67% 91% 62% 75% 5% 36% 84% 3% 36%

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