Open Access

Table 12

Calculation of the oil palm foliage bulk at year 8 in oil palms planted at various densities.

Treatment Planting Distance between Foliage Percentage of Percentage of
density palms (m) span (m) foliage overlap central void

D 1 128 9.5 4.86 1 5
D 2 143 9 4.94 9 1
D 3 160 8.5 5.05 24 0
D 4 180 8 5.16 38 0
D 5 180 8 5.19 39 0
D 6 205 7.5 5.22 50 0

NB 1: Foliage span = the distance from the stem to the ground projection of the tip of frond 33. NB 2: Percentage of foliar overlap = by projection of the foliage volume (assimilated to a sphere) on a plane: part of the area of a unit triangle covered by the foliage of 2 or 3 palms (graphic determination).

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