Open Access
Table 1
Summary of associations of cancer risk with sun exposure and vitamin D levels.
Tumor | Negative association with sun exposure |
Association with 25(OH)D blood levels | Intervention trials | Comments |
Colorectal cancer | Fairly consistent from ecological, case-control and prospective studies |
Consistent inverse relationship with serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels |
No effect | The Lappe et al. (2007) intervention trial cannot disentangle effects of calcium alone supplementation from Ca + vitamin D supplementation |
Breast | Observed in case-control studies Mixed results from prospective studies |
Inverse association in case-control studies No association in prospective studies |
No effect | Too low dose of vitamin D (400 IU/d) in WHI intervention trial? |
Prostate | All but one case-control and prospective studies show negative association |
No association | No evaluable trial | Studies on sun exposure conducted in relatively low UV
environment; the only study showing a positive association conducted in Australia |
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma | Conflicting results | Few studies Current results in favor of an absence of association |
No evaluable trial |
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