Table 4.
Input and operational costs as well as margin of selected cropping systems with occasional mouldboard ploughing from the Burgundy case study (adapted from Ballot, 2009).
Cropping system scenarios | Costs (€ ha−1 year−1) |
Nearly-direct margin (€ ha−1 year−1) |
Herbicides | Mechanization | Total weed control | ||||
Reference system OWB | 76 | 262 | 338 | 286 | ||
OWBOWb | 82 | 258 | 340 | (+1%) | 296 | (+3%) |
OWBOWp | 67 | 253 | 320 | (−5%) | 289 | (+1%) |
OWBpWB | 64 | 256 | 320 | (−5%) | 305 | (+7%) |
OWBPWB | 59 | 264 | 323 | (−4%) | 303 | (+6%) |
OWBsWB | 65 | 254 | 319 | (−6%) | 278 | (−3%) |
Values in brackets are variations relative to the reference system. Nearly-direct margins were calculated for each crop by multiplying average crop yield and harvest price and substracting average herbicide costs and mechanization costs. Nearly-direct margins were then calculated over the rotation as the average of the individual nearlydirect margins of each crop of the rotation.
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