Issue |
Volume 19, Number 2, Mars-Avril 2012
Page(s) | 123 - 124 | |
Section | Dossier : Fonctionnalités des huiles | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2012 |
Huiles et cires comme agents de démoulage dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire
Oils and waxes as release agents in food industry
SIO, Société Industrielle des Oléagineux, Groupe ADM, 16 rue du Général de Gaulle, 62053 Saint Laurent Blangy Cedex
To prevent adhesion in the mould, release agents are commonly used in food industry, such as bakery, pastry, meat processing industry, confectionery, or cheese industry. Over the past two decades, petroleum based products such as petroleum jelly and paraffin have been replaced by mixture of vegetable oils (soy, canola, etc.), plant waxes (candelilla wax, carnauba wax), emulsifiers (soy or rape seed lecithin, mono- or diglycerides) and sometimes antioxidants. Here is a short overview of their main characteristic.
Key words: release agents / vegetable oils / plant waxes / emulsifiers
© John Libbey Eurotext 2012
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