Issue |
Volume 17, Number 1, Janvier-Février 2010
Dossier : Comment peut-on améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle des graisses animales ?
Page(s) | 52 - 55 | |
Section | Nutrition – Santé | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 January 2010 |
L’utilisation des graisses animales, un enjeu de développement durable
CEREOPA - AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude-Bernard, 75231
Paris cedex 05, France
French feedstuff manufacturers remain reticent about using animal fats. However, it is a valuable raw material providing energy and improving animal productions performances. Mixing animal fats into feed should decrease the processing cost. Concerning the environmental issue, it is an efficient way to reduce animal productions carbon footprint. The use of animal fats as a raw material for feedstuff formulation would also put less pressure on food and feed resources.
Key words: animal fats / sustainable development / feedstuff / animal productions / carbon footprint / profitability / food and feed resources
© John Libbey Eurotext 2010
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