Issue |
Volume 11, Number 4-5, Juillet-Octobre 2004
Page(s) | 241 - 245 | |
Section | OGM | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2004 |
Évaluation du risque toxicologique des OGM
INRA. Direction scientifique Nutrition humaine et sécurité des aliments, 147, rue de l’Université, 75338
Paris cedex 07
Two French scientific committees, the committee of biomolecular engineering (CGB) and the committee on pesticide toxicity (CT), decided to hold a common conference on the 27th and 28th September 2002. They have indeed each one to evaluate certain specific aspects of the risks related to the use of genetically modified plants (GMP), in particular herbicide tolerant, or resistant to insects because of secretion of their own insecticide. The participants in the conference compared their methodologies of evaluation of risks for human and animal health, underlined their strong points and their weaknesses. Rare specificities for the evaluation of the GMP were identified compared to food risk assessment. New methods, based on progress of genomics and post-genomics should make it possible to improve the sensitivity of detection of effects of low amplitude due to exposure not only to the GMP, but also to novel foods and new technologies.
Key words: genetically modified plants / risks for human and animal health / methodologies of evaluation of risks
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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