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Cited article:

Molecular Diversity and Agronomic Performance of Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Cultivars in Benin: Local Cultivars and Lines Introduced From China

Christel Ferréol Azon, Nicodème V. Fassinou Hotegni, Charlotte O. Adjé, Lewis Spencer Gnanglè, Evelyn Benjamin, Ruvarashe Loveness Mhuruyengwe, Abdou Mouizz Salaou, Aristide Carlos Houdegbe, Deedi Olga Sogbohossou, Paulin Sedah, Komivi Dossa, Clément Agbangla, Florent J. B. Quenum and Enoch G. Achigan‐Dako
Plant-Environment Interactions 5 (6) (2024)