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Estudio de rendimientos en polinización artificial en una plantación de la Zona Suroccidental de Colombia, siembra 2008: optimización de la productividad laboral

Kelly Sinisterra-Ortiz, Liseth Vargas-Medina, Jhonatan Eduardo Camperos-Reyes, Ana Bolívar-Ortiz, Jhon Jairo Banguera and Mauricio Mosquera-Montoya
Palmas 45 (1) 36 (2024)

Assessing labor productivity in the harvest of crops planted with Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis crossings in an oil palm plantation from Colombia

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OCL 31 16 (2024)

Evidence of sustainable intensification in the production of palm oil from crops planted with Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis in Colombia

Mauricio Mosquera-Montoya, Jhonatan Eduardo Camperos, Elizabeth Ruiz, Diego Hernández, Alejandra García, Liseth Estefanía Vargas, Eloina Mesa, Daniel Munévar and Kelly Sinisterra
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023)