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Comparative 1H NMR-Based Chemometric Evaluations of the Time-Dependent Generation of Aldehydic Lipid Oxidation Products in Culinary Oils Exposed to Laboratory-Simulated Shallow Frying Episodes: Differential Patterns Observed for Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Containing Soybean Oils
Angela I. Wann, Benita C. Percival, Katy Woodason, Miles Gibson, Siâny Vincent and Martin Grootveld Foods 10(10) 2481 (2021)
Research Anthology on Food Waste Reduction and Alternative Diets for Food and Nutrition Security
Xiumei Guo, Xiaoling Shao, Shagufta M. Trishna, Dora Marinova and Amzad Hossain Research Anthology on Food Waste Reduction and Alternative Diets for Food and Nutrition Security 1256 (2021)
Environmental, Health, and Business Opportunities in the New Meat Alternatives Market
Xiumei Guo, Xiaoling Shao, Shagufta M. Trishna, Dora Marinova and Amzad Hossain Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, Environmental, Health, and Business Opportunities in the New Meat Alternatives Market 124 (2019)
Microbial diversity and chemical analysis of Shuidouchi, traditional Chinese fermented soybean