Open Access

Table 6

Effects of sowing date on seed yield and some yield attributes of castor in 2021 and 2022.

Date (SD)
WTS 100SWT (g) SH% SYD (kg/ha)
Sowing date (SD)
SD1 8.3a 33.4a 10.9a 229.9a
SD2 6.6abc 30.0ab 13.4a 182.1abc
SD3 7.7ab 31.2ab 8.5a 212.7ab
SD4 3.7cd 17.9bc 15.7a 103.3cd
SD5 4.1bcd 28.1abc 9.8a 114.5bcd
SD6 1.9d 19.4bc 4.9a 53.2d
SD7 2.8cd 8.6c 9.8a 78.5cd
SED ± (24 df) 1.73 7.62 5.47 47.95
Sowing Date (SD)
SD1 27.7ab 49.6ab 19.3a 773.7ab
SD2 28.8ab 55.2a 10.0a 799.1a
SD3 16.7bc 47.9ab 19.8a 462.9abc
SD4 32.9a 53.4ab 20.7a 441.1bc
SD5 12.1cd 36.6bc 11.5a 334.6c
SD6 13.8cd 25.8cd 6.8a 293.9c
SD7 3.5d 10.3d 9.0a 115.6c
SD8 8.7d 15.9d 8.4a 129.2c
SED ± (28 df) 5.45 7.78 5.66 156.61

SD1: June 18, SD 2: June 25, SD 3: July 2, SD 4: July 9, SD 5: July 16, SD 6: July 22, SD 7: July 29, SD 8: August 5, WTS: Weight of seeds per plant, 100SWT: 100 seed weight, SH%: shelling percent, SYD: Seed yield, SED: Standard Error of Difference, For the main effects, values within the same column with similar alphabets are not significantly different according to DMRT at 5% probability.

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