Table 2

Description of production situations and main characteristics of the systems implemented in each platform of the Syppre experimental network. B: spring barley; CP: canning pea; DW: durum wheat; FB: faba bean; GM: grain maize; LE: lentil; PO: potato; S: Sorghum; BW: Buckwheat; SB: sugar beet; SF: sunflower; SoB: Soybean; SP: spring pea; WB: winter barley; WP: winter pea; WR: winter rapeseed; WW: winter wheat; cc: cover crop; cce: harvested cover crop for energy purpose; llm: legume living mulch; ”/”: multiple crops; “+”: intercrops.

Platform Production situation Control system Main strategies of the innovative system Local challenges
Picardie PIC - Type 3 climate
- Deep silt loam
- Non-irrigated
- Arable and industrial crops
- Conventional farming
- Six-year rotation: ccSB-WW-ccPO-WW-ccCP or WR+llm-WW (4 main crops; 1 oilseed or protein crop)
- Alternating plowing and reduced tillage
- Lengthened (nine-year) and diversified rotation: ccSB-WW-ccFB-WW-ccGM-ccCP-WR+llm-ccPO-WW (7 main crops; 1 oilseed; 2 protein crops)
- Insertion of legumes as main and cover crops
- Diversified cover crops
- Flexible tillage with no plowing
Exploiting high production potential
↘ Mineral nitrogen (water quality, GHG emissions)
↗ Soil fertility (storage of organic matter and reduced susceptibility to slaking and compaction)
Champagne CHA - Type 3 climate
- Deep Chalky soils
- Non-irrigated
- Arable and industrial crops
- Conventional farming
- Five-year rotation: WR-WW-ccB-ccSB-WW (4 main crops; 1 oilseed; 0 protein crop)
- Alternating plowing and reduced tillage
- Lengthened (ten-year) and diversified rotation: WR+llm-WW-ccB-ccSB-WW-ccWB+WP-ccSF-WW-ccSB-SP (7 main crops; 2 oilseeds; 2 protein crops)
- Insertion of legumes as main and cover crops
- Diversified cover crops
- Reduced tillage
↗ Production − including biomass
↗ Production quality
↘ Mineral nitrogen (GHG)
↗ Soil fertility (organic matter, N dependency, slaking, erosion)
Berry BER - Type 3 climate-Shallow and stony clay-limestone soil
- Non-irrigated
- Arable crops
- Conventional farming
- Three-year rotation: WR+llm-WW-WB (3 main crops; 1 oilseed; 0 protein crop)
- Reduced tillage
- Lengthened (nine-year) and diversified rotation: ccLE-DW-WR+llm −ccGM-ccSF- −WW-WP+WW-WW-WB (8 main crops; 2 oilseeds; 2 protein crops)
- Insertion of legumes as main and cover crops
- Diversified cover crops
- Flexible no-till or reduced tillage
↗ crop robustness against weather hazards and pests
↗ Soil fertility (nutrient availability)
↗ Weed control
Lauragais LAU - Type 7 climate
- Clay-limestone slopes
- Non-irrigated
- Arable crops
- Conventional farming
- Two-year rotation: SF-DW (2 main crops; 1 oilseed; 0 protein crop)
- Alternating plowing and reduced tillage
- Lengthened (eight-year) and diversified rotation: WR+llm-DW+llm-WB+llm-cce/S-WP/BW-DW-ccSF-WW (7 main crops; 2 oilseeds; 1 protein crop)
- Insertion of legumes as main and cover crops
- Diversified cover crops
- Multiple cropping
- Flexible no-till or reduced tillage
↗ Production and quality
↘ Erosion and ↗ soil fertility (organic matter)
↘ Inputs (water quality, GHG)
Béarn BEA - Type 4 climate
- Humus-bearing clays
- Non-irrigated
- Arable crops
- Conventional farming
- GM monoculture (2 main crops; 0 oilseed; 0 protein crop)
- Plowing
Two innovative cropping systems implemented (I1 and I2):
- Lengthened (2 and 3 year) and diversified rotation. I1: ccGM- WB/SoB-WW/cce (3 main crops; 0 oilseed; 0 protein crop) I2: cce/GM- ccSoB (2 main crops; 0 oilseed; 1 protein crop)
- Multiple cropping
- Insertion of legumes as main and/or cover crops-No-till or strip-till
↗ Controlling weeds and soil pests with
↘ Plant protection products
↗ Species diversity

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