Open Access

Table 4

Mean comparison of irrigation regime and genotype treatment main effect.

Main effect Seed oil content
Irrigation regime (%)
Well watered 32.1 a
Limited irrigation 31.6 b
Genotype treatment  
G1 31.1 de
G2 31.9 abcd
G3 32.07 abcd
G4 32.01 abcd
G5 31.6 bcde
G6 31.5 bcde
G7 31.3 cde
G8 31.7 bcd
G9 32.1 abcd
G10 31.4 cde
G11 30.6 e
G12 32.8 a
G13 31.6 bcde
G14 31.7 bcd
G15 32.1 abcd
G16 31.8 abcd
G17 32.8 a
G18 32.5 ab
G19 32.01 abcd
G20 32.5 ab
G21 31.6 bcde
G22 32.3 abc
G23 31.3 cde
G24 31.9 abcd

Means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p ≤ 0.05).

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