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Table 3

Mean comparison of interaction effect of irrigation regimes × safflower genotypes on studied traits sliced by irrigation regimes in two years together (2019 and 2020).

  1000-seed weight (g) Seed yield (kg ha−1) Biological yield (kg ha−1) Seed oil yield (kg ha−1) Harvest index
Genotype Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation
G1 30.1 i 41.1 ab 1201.0 fgh 633.0 fgh 7505.8 kl 5814.0 hi 373.7 fgh 196.9 fghi 16.1 ef 10.9 efgh
G2 49.8 a 35.7 b-i 1996.5 bc 708.6 ef 12988.7 ab 6543.6 efg 644.5 b 224.3 def 15.7 ef 10.9 efgh
G3 32.4 hi 34.3 d-j 973.3 ij 685.8 efg 14002.6 a 11238.4 a 313.6 ij 218.6 def 6.9 jk 6.1 l
G4 32.9 h 39.9 a-c 1150.1 gh 660.1 fg 12893.5 bc 9495.5 b 363.8 fghi 214.7 def 8.8 ij 6.9 kl
G5 37.3 ef 39.2 a-e 1303.8 f 907.2 c 11807.5 cde 9598.9 b 413.4 f 285.9 c 11.0 gh 9.4 ghij
G6 36.9 efg 38.5 b-f 914.3 j 759.0 de 9286.8 hi 7050.9 ef 291.2 j 237.9 de 9.8 hi 10.9 efgh
G7 43.5 bc 32.09 ij 1067.1 hi 508.4 jk 11157.4 ef 6401.5 fgh 337.8 hij 159.3 jk 9.6 hi 7.9 jkl
G8 41.003 cd 33.9 e-j 2061.4 b 917.4 c 11930.6 b-e 5654.2 i 661.0 b 288.4 c 17.3 cdef 16.3 b
G9 42.3 bc 44.1 a 1502.8 e 549.9 hij 11588.6 def 2939.0 k 488.6 e 174.6 ghij 13.0 g 19.0 a
G10 48.04 a 32.1 h-j 1228.0 fg 414.1 l 7699.6 kl 4729.4 j 392.7 fg 128.7 k 16.2 ef 8.7 ijk
G11 38.6 de 36.9 b-i 1835.9 d 804.7 d 9671.6 gh 7227.7 de 563.3 cd 246.6 d 19.4 bc 11.2 defg
G12 37.3 ef 37.6 b-h 1600.1 e 614.0 ghi 7622.8 kl 4720.6 j 527.3 de 200.7 fgh 21.0 ab 13.0 cd
G13 44.6 b 33.2 f-j 1962.0 bcd 961.4 bc 8831.8 hi 8147.8 c 640.1 b 296.2 bc 22.2 a 12.0 def
G14 41.2 cd 29.5 j 695.5 k 684.5 efg 10690.3 fg 6255.3 ghi 222.3 k 214.8 def 6.6 k 10.9 efgh
G15 42.8 bc 32.2 g-j 1218.3 fg 1016.9 b 12038.0 b-e 9116.1 b 396.4 fg 323.5 b 10.2 hi 11.2 defg
G16 35.2 fgh 33.03 f-j 957.1 ij 633.0 fgh 9448.6 h 5631.1 i 311.4 ij 197.9 fgh 10.4 hi 11.3 defg
G17 40.9 cd 32.6 g-j 587.9 kl 449.7 kl 8260.0 ijk 4651.9 j 193.8 kl 146.8 jk 7.1 jk 10.1 fghi
G18 34.5 gh 36.9 b-i 653.5 k 506.9 jk 6740.2 lm 4224.8 j 213.5 k 165.0 ij 10.0 hi 12.1 de
G19 38.9 de 39.7 a-d 1067.8 hi 659.1 fg 6385.9 m 4503.6 j 349.3 ghi 206.7 efg 16.7 def 14.6 bc
G20 42.3 bc 34.5 c-j 469.5 l 656.0 fg 8155.2 jk 5875.2 ghi 153.2 l 213.2 ef 5.8 k 11.3 defg
G21 34.9 fgh 32.6 g-j 1609.0 e 535.9 ijk 9344.6 hi 4583.9 j 512.1 de 169.2 hij 17.6 cde 12.0 def
G22 49.04 a 37.7 b-g 1886.1 cd 607.8 ghi 12159.8 b-e 6547.0 efg 612.8 bc 197.1 fghi 15.4 f 9.2 hij
G23 35.2 fgh 36.3 b-i 2342.1 a 1136.8 a 12567.1 bcd 7880.5 cd 735.2 a 356.4 a 18.7 cd 14.4 bc
G24 43.01 bc 36.9 b-i 1995.5 bc 500.9 jkl 12950.6 ab 5765.0 hi 653.0 b 156.2 jk 15.6 ef 8.7 ijk

Means within each parameter of each irrigation regime followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p ≤ 0.05).

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