Open Access

Table 2

Mean comparison of interaction effect of irrigation regimes × safflower genotypes on studied traits sliced by irrigation regimes in two years together (2019 and 2020).

  Total chlorophyll (mg g−1 FW) Proline (mg g−1 FW) Plant height (cm) Leaf dry weight (g plant−1) Number of head (plant−1)
Genotype Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation Well watered Limited irrigation
G1 1.29 abc 1.19 defghi 2.06 hij 3.27 ab 75.2 hi 78.7 abcd 4.6 hi 2.4 nop 16.1 hi 14.5 ef
G2 1.07 defgh 1.21 defghi 2.88 ab 2.81 de 88.9 cdef 74.1 bcdef 5.8 g 4.5 gh 23.8 de 13.6 fg
G3 0.98 fghi 1.15 ghi 1.99 ij 3.16 abcd 103.9 b 84.4 a 13.9 a 12.3 a 15.5 i 11.0 ijkl
G4 0.83 i 1.08 i 2.60 bcd 1.82 j 90.6 cde 77.5 abcde 11.3 b 8.7 b 19.1 f 20.5 a
G5 1.09 cdefgh 1.23 defghi 2.62 bcd 2.34 gh 103.01 b 82.3 ab 10.3 cd 7.5 c 19.0 fg 11.5 ijk
G6 1.24 abcd 1.18 efghi 2.66 abcd 2.31 gh 95.2 c 78.9 abcd 10.4 c 3.6 jk 11.0 lm 9.0 mno
G7 1.36 ab 1.30 defg 1.92 j 2.03 hij 106.08 b 70.3 efgh 7.4 f 2.1 op 18.1 fg 16.0 de
G8 0.88 hi 1.24 defghi 2.10 ghij 2.27 gh 86.1 def 64.3 ghi 4.2 ij 2.5 mno 26.1 bc 16.6 cd
G9 1.22 abcde 1.32 def 2.83 ab 2.71 ef 67.3 j 54.2 k 4.6 hi 2.2 op 27.5 b 8.6 mno
G10 1.16 bcdef 1.26 defgh 1.97 ij 2.87 de 76.8 gh 65.5 ghi 3.3 l 1.2 q 17.5 fgh 15.0 def
G11 1.18 bcdef 1.29 defg 2.59 bcd 2.44 fg 62.9 j 64.8 ghi 8.2 e 4.6 fg 24.6 cd 16.6 cd
G12 1.01 efghi 1.19 defghi 2.23 efghi 3.00 bcde 63.5 j 62.7 hij 3.06 l 4.2 ghi 27.8 ab 19.0 ab
G13 1.09 cdefg 1.12 hi 2.46 cdef 3.42 a 95.5 c 67.6 fghi 6.2 g 5.1 ef 10.6 lm 13.3 fgh
G14 1.14 cdefg 1.16 fghi 2.19 fghij 2.89 cde 104.3 b 77.5 abcde 9.6 d 3.1 klm 12.8 jk 13.8 fg
G15 1.12 cdefg 1.76 a 2.75 abc 3.27 ab 114.2 a 80.5 abc 10.6 bc 5.3 de 12.1 kl 12.3 ghi
G16 0.93 ghi 1.18 efghi 2.37 defgh 3.07 bcd 74.9 hi 62.7 hij 3.5 kl 2.9 lmn 26.1 bc 12.6 ghi
G17 1.4 a 1.35 cd 2.62 bcd 3.12 abcd 95.3 c 66.2 fghi 7.9 ef 3.9 ij 11.5 kl 10.0 klm
G18 1.01 efghi 1.25 defgh 2.51 cde 3.12 abcd 63.4 j 53.8 k 3.01 l 1.9 p 22.5 e 7.6 o
G19 1.11 cdefg 1.33 de 2.84 ab 3.24 abc 92.8 cd 73.9 cdef 3.6 jkl 1.9 op 9.3 m 8.0 mno
G20 1.01 efghi 1.52 b 2.13 ghij 1.92 ij 86.2 def 60.7 ijk 4.1 ijk 3.4 jkl 14.5 ij 11.8 hij
G21 1.00 efghi 1.28 defgh 2.96 a 2.28 gh 84.9 ef 66.8 fghi 6.1 g 2.4 nop 17.3 gh 9.6 lmn
G22 0.97 fghi 1.51 bc 2.14 ghij 2.28 gh 68.8 ij 54.8 jk 10.6 bc 5.8 d 24.8 cd 10.3 jklm
G23 1.23 abcd 1.26 defgh 2.74 abc 2.27 gh 86.5 def 81.4 abc 7.2 f 4.01 hij 16.0 hi 18.3 bc
G24 1.37 ab 1.88 a 2.38 defg 2.18 ghi 82.9 fg 71.4 defg 5.1 h 2.8 mn 29.5 a 9.0 mno

Means within each parameter of each irrigation regime followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p ≤ 0.05).

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