Fig. 2
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The results of dendrogram based on cluster analysis (A) and biplot of first and second components based of principal component analysis in to years together (2019 and 2020). Y1: Total chlorophyll content, Y2: Proline content, Y3: Plant height, Y4: Leaf dry weight, Y5: Number of heads plant−1, Y6: 1000 seed weight, Y7: Seed yield, Y8: Biological yield, Y9: Seed oil content, Y10: Seed oil yield, Y11: Harvest index. G1: 28.11 Arak; G2: 324.s6.697, G3: 32.88 cgl, G4: 34.14.73, G5: 346-s6.687, G6: 3-8-36.60.11, G7: 86-56-58-697, G8: Faraman, G9: irv-55-55, G10: pi 199888, G11: pi 253384, G12: pi 262444, G13: pi 405985, G14: pi 559909 (acstirling), G15: Sina, Snc-1, G16: Syrian, G17: Esfahan 10, G18: Eslamabad 3.14, G19: Hybridization, G20: Darab No.6, G21: Diz 56, G22: Zarghan 279, G23: Maraghe (autumn crop), G24: Ch 353.
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