Table 3

Amino acid profile of Futura 75 hemp seed.

Amino acid g/100g of protein
Asparagine 12,18 ± 0,26i
Threonine 4,09 ± 0,01c,d
Serine 5,86 ± 0,02g
Glutamine 18,73 ± 0,00k
Proline 4,64 ± 0,02e
Glycine 5,14 ± 0,13f
Alanine 5,23 ± 0,19f
Cysteine 1,80 ± 0,03a
Valine 5,59 ± 0,06f,g
Methionine 2,25 ± 0,03a
Isoleucine 4,48 ± 0,03d,e
Leucine 7,75 ± 0,16h
Tyrosine 3,93 ± 0,10c
Phenylalanine 5,43 ± 0,10f,g
Histidine 2,86 ± 0,06b
Lysine 4,02 ± 0,16c,d
Arginine 13,66 ± 0,16j
∑ EAA 36,47 ± 0,61
∑NEAA 68,84 ± 2,41

Means with a different letter are significantly different (p < 0,05). Σ EAA: sum of all essential amino acids. Σ NEAA: sum of all non-essential amino acids.

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