Table 3
Average K, Mg and Ca concentrations (% of leaflet dry matter), total leaf cation charges (TLCC) and mineral proportions (% relative to TLCC) of the K2Mg2 fertilizer treatment, observed in leaflets of rank 17 fronds of the oil palm progenies, evaluated from 4 to 7 YAP in Nigeria.
Progenies | K concentration (%) | Mg concentration (%) | Ca concentration (%) | TLCC (cmol kg−1 DM) | [K] (%) | [Mg] (%) | [Ca] (%) | Mineral categories | |
C1 | 1.09 b | 0.260 b | 0.91 a | 95.0 c | 30 b | 23 c | 48 c | K{+} Mg{−} Ca{−} | |
C2 | 0.98 c | 0.261 b | 1.03 a | 97.9 b | 26 c | 22 d | 52 a | K{−} Mg{−} Ca{+} | |
C3 | 0.90 c | 0.308 a | 1.01 a | 98.7 a | 23 d | 26 a | 51 b | K{−} Mg{+} Ca{+} | |
C4 | 1.26 a | 0.261 b | 0.76 b | 91.6 d | 35 a | 24 b | 41 d | K{+} Mg{+} Ca{−} | |
p | < 0.0001 | 0.03 | < 0.0001 | < 0.0001 | < 0.0001 | < 0.0001 | < 0.0001 |
DM = Dry matter; YAP: Year after planting, p: Probability.
Different letters (a, b, c and d) indicate significant differences in the different parameters among oil palm progenies according to a Tukey’s test. Progenies were classified in 2 categories: category (+): leaflet mineral concentration (lmc) > almc and category (−): lmc < almc; where almc is the average leaflet mineral concentration of all progenies (Jacquemard et al., 2009).
[K], [Mg], [Ca]: Mineral proportions (%, relative to TLCC).
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