Sunflower / Tournesol
Open Access

Table 1

Cross combinations along with their codes and parental values of cell membrane injury and cuticular waxes.

Cross combinations Codes Parental mean values

Cell membrane injury* Cuticular waxes (μg g−1)

Female Male Female Male
Hysun.33 Hysun.33
C2728 × RFSS88 H1 0.58 0.59 611.80 716.39
C.250 × R 345 H2 0.49 0.71 737.40 602.34
C.249 × R.345 H3 0.43 0.71 782.34 602.34
C.2728 × RSIN.82 H4 0.58 0.58 611.80 719.50
C.208 × R.344 H5 0.49 0.44 638.44 794.50
C.259 × R.447 H6 0.48 0.55 771.50 660.12
C.259 × R.344 H7 0.48 0.44 771.50 794.50
C.249 × R.447 H8 0.43 0.55 782.34 660.12
C.250 × R.344 H9 0.49 0.44 737.40 794.50
C.249 × R.347 H10 0.43 0.56 782.34 711.63
FH.331 FH.331

*Cell membrane injury induced by polyethylene glycol (40%).

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