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Table 6

Summary of stepwise method of multiple regression and indices parameters for predicting seed yield/plant and oil percent of all genotypes under study.

DV Fitted equation R2% R2-adj% P-value SEE Durbin-Waston Mallows prediction VIF
Seed yield/plant Y = 1.85 + (0.95** YSB) + (0.93** YFB) + (1.02** YTH) + (0.03** PH) + (0.97** Spiny) 99.61 99.22 *** 0.96 2.36 5.2 <10
Oil percentage Y = 25.68 + (0.28** YFB) + (0.19** Thousand) + (3.29** Spiny) 25.61 23.56 *** 4.1 1.7 4 <10

R2%: coefficient of determination; R2-adj: adjusted coefficient determination; SEE: standard error of estimate; d: Durbin-Waston; Cp: Mallows prediction; VIF: Variance Inflation Factor. * and ** significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 level respectively.

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