Fig. 2


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Microbiota composition surrounding the gustatory circumvallate papillae (CVP) in high-lipid tasters (HLT) and low-lipid tasters (LLT). A. Distribution of the most abundant resolved taxa at the genus level. B. Microbiota alpha diversity (Shannon index). C. LEfSe cladogram of 16S sequences from CVP and histogram showing the taxonomic groups from phylum to genus and relative abundance plots for significant genera and family differential features. The cladogram shows the taxonomic levels represented by rings with phyla at the innermost ring and genera at the outermost ring, and each circle is a member within that level. Taxa at each level are shaded according to the group in which it is most abundant (P < 0.05; LDA score 2.0). D. Selected regression plots for significant Spearman rank correlations between LA perception and relative abundance of identified target bacteria.

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