Biodiesel / Biodiesel
Open Access

Table 4

Feedstock use for biodiesel + renewable diesel (HVO) (1000 MT).

Calendar year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Rapeseed oil 6500 5710 6200 6400 6060 6300 5200
UCO 800 1150 1890 2400 2620 2770 2860
Palm oil 1535 2340 2240 2340 2315 2650 2570
Soybean oil 720 870 840 540 610 930 1000
Animal fats 360 420 920 1030 795 795 800
Sunflower oil 300 290 310 210 250 180 185
Other, pine/tall oils, fatty acids 220 335 370 560 615 635 680
Biodiesel + HVO, on-road use 14 508 13 053 14 461 14 189 14 127 15 600 16 500

Source: GAIN Report Number: NL9022 (05/2019).

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