Table 1

Mean monthly temperatures and rainfall during the cropping season of 2017 and average of 55 years in Auch (near Toulouse, South West of France).

Month Rainfall (mm)   Temperature (°C)  

  2017 55 years 2017 55 years
June 65,3 61,1 21,8 18,9
July 35,3 47,1 21,7 21,5
August 57,2 58,3 22,1 21,3
September 52,9 55,9 16,7 18,5
October 60,4 56,8 15 14,4
November 17,6 57,2 7,2 9
December 92,9 68,1 6,1 6,2
Mean June-Oct     19,46 18,92
Sum June-Oct 271,1 279,2    
Mean Aug-Sept     19,4 19,9
Sum Aug-Sept 110,1 114,2    

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