Table 1
Structure and correspondent nomenclatures of human epidermal ceramides.
Fatty acid moiety | |||||
Non-hydroxyl fatty acid (N) | Alpha-hydroxyl fatty acid (A) | Omega-hydroxyl fatty acid (O) | Esterified omega-hydroxyl fatty acid (EO) | ||
Sphingoid base moeity | Dihydrosphyngosine (dS) | Cer[NdS] | Cer[AdS] | Cer[OdS] | Cer[EOdS] |
Sphingosine (S) | Cer[NS] | Cer[AS] | Cer[OS] | Cer[EOS] | |
Phytosphingosine (P) | Cer[NP] | Cer[AP] | Cer[OP] | Cer[EOP] | |
6-Hydroxysphingosine (H) | Cer[NH] | Cer[AH] | Cer[OH] | Cer[EOH] |
Note: Epidermal ceramides (Cer) are classified into 19 classes depending on their sphingoid base and fatty acid moieties. Ceramide species are additionally defined by fatty acid chain length. Fatty acids [N] and [A] contain C16-C30 whereas fatty acids [O] and [EO] contain C28-36. Ceramides can be glycosylated (not represented) and Cer[OS] can be covalently bound to cornified envelope protein shell. Omega-hydroxy-ceramide include: Cer[Ods], Cer[OS], Cer[OP], Cer[OH]; omega-O-acylceramide include: Cer[EOds], Cer[EOS], Cer[EOP], Cer[EOH]. Ceramide name in square brackets correspond to the Motta nomenclature (Motta et al., 1993).
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