Open Access
Table 1
Classification of biomarkers used in the differential diagnosis of AD. These markers are recommended by NIA-AA.
Biomarkers for AD | Pathophysiological correlate |
Neuropsychological | |
Tests for episodic memory /delayed recall |
Hippocampal amnesia due to AD |
Cerebrospinal fluid | |
Aβ42 | Neuronal Aβ plaque accumulation |
Total-tau | Neuronal degeneration |
Phosphorylated tau | Intra neuronal NFT |
Amyloid Imaging | |
Aβ PET | Neuronal Aβ plaque accumulation |
Structural neuroimaging | |
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) | Neuronal injury marker |
Computed tomography (CT) | Neuronal injury marker |
Functional neuroimaging | |
FDG-PET | Glucose hypometabolism |
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