Open Access

Table 4

Loadings, eigenvalues, and percent of cumulative variance for the first four principle components.


  1 2 3 4
Alcohol C27 0.896 0.011 −0.093 0.101
Alcohol C25 0.712 0.321 −0.364 0.156
Campestanol −0.694 −0.027 −0.280 −0.078
Alcohol C24 0.675 0.396 −0.334 0.165
Alcohol C23 0.674 0.367 0.322 0.335
Clerosterol 0.135 0.773 0.115 −0.115
Δ7-avenasterol 0.004 0.708 −0.190 0.444
Campesterol 0.344 0.707 −0.149 −0.274
Alcohol C22 0.217 −0.165 0.883 0.152
Cholesterol −0.269 0.074 0.871 −0.042
Δ7-stigmastenol 0.067 −0.194 0.164 0.885
Erythrodiol and uvaol 0.559 0.258 −187 0.568
Eigenvalues 4.33 2.17 1.42 1.18
% Cumulative variance 36.09 54.19 66.02 75.93

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