Open Access

Table 2

Oil rapeseed of China (1000 t; 1000 ha).

Years 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17

Market year begin 10/2014 10/1015 10/2016
Area planted 7588 7300 7000
Area harvested 7588 7300 7000
Beginning stocks 1036 1502 1002
Production 14 772 14 300 13 500
MY imports 4594 4200 4500
Total supply 20 402 20 002 19 002
Crush 18 300 18 400 17 500
Feed waste. 600 600 600
Total dom. cons. 18 900 19 000 18 100
Ending stocks 1502 1002 902
Total distribution 20 402 20 002 19 002
CY imports 4470 4200 4250

Source: Gain Report, 2016.

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