Open Access

Table 4

Comparison of techno-functional properties of rapeseed protein isolate UF and rapeseed protein concentrate IP with commercially available protein products.

Protein Water Oil Emulsifying
solubility binding binding capacity Foaming Foam Foam
at capacity capacity (ml oil/g activity (%) stability (%) density (g/L)
pH 7 (%) (ml/g) (ml/g) product)

Protein isolate UF 78 1.6 1.3 810 2940 96 37
Protein concentrate IP 14 2.7 1.0 465 1276 74 77
Hen egg white powder 95 1535 98 65
Egg yolk powder 66 490 No foaming No foaming No foaming
Soy protein isolate 26 6.0 1.8 605

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