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SBR elastomer response to renewable diesel blends: An experimental investigation
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Study of calcium-containing compounds as catalysts for the esterification of glycerol with higher carboxylic acids
Exhaust emissions of gaseous and particle size-segregated water-soluble organic compounds from diesel-biodiesel blends
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Food Waste to Green Fuel: Trend & Development
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Perspectives of Biodiesel Development in Poland against the Background of the European Union
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The degradation and toxicity of commercially traded vegetable oils following spills in aquatic environment
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Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks-Based Yield Optimization of Biodiesel Sourced from Mixture of Palm and Cotton Seed Oil
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Promising extruded catalyst for palm oil transesterification from LiAlH4 hydrolysates
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Development perspectives of promising lignocellulose feedstocks for production of advanced generation biofuels: A review