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A Study on the Genetic Diversity of Agro-Morphological Traits in Wild Populations of alfalfa (Medicago spp.) in Drought Stress Conditions
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Changes in the Vegetable Oil Market, with Particular Emphasis on Market Instability in Relation to the War in Ukraine
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White Lupin Drought Tolerance: Genetic Variation, Trait Genetic Architecture, and Genome-Enabled Prediction
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White Lupin Adaptation to Moderately Calcareous Soils: Phenotypic Variation and Genome-Enabled Prediction
Pea Grain Protein Content Across Italian Environments: Genetic Relationship With Grain Yield, and Opportunities for Genome-Enabled Selection for Protein Yield
Genomic prediction for canopy height and dry matter yield in alfalfa using family bulks
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Alfalfa genomic selection for different stress‐prone growing regions
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Legume Breeding for the Agroecological Transition of Global Agri-Food Systems: A European Perspective
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The INCREASE project: Intelligent Collections of food‐legume genetic resources for European agrofood systems
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Development and Proof-of-Concept Application of Genome-Enabled Selection for Pea Grain Yield under Severe Terminal Drought
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