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Characterisation and quantification of condensed tannins in rapeseed hulls and meals by depolymerization methods
Xiaoxi Yu, Jean-Michel Le Quéré, Hélène Sotin, Morgane Citeau, Sylvie Dauguet and Sylvain Guyot Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 115 105004 (2023)
Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development
Irina Morosanu, Carmen Teodosiu, Lavinia Tofan, Daniela Fighir and Carmen Paduraru Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development (2021)
A new method for rapeseed hulls purification – Proof of concept
Microwave radiation and conventional roasting in conjunction with hulling on the oxidative state and physicochemical properties of rapeseed oil
Agnieszka Rękas, Małgorzata Wroniak and Iwona Ścibisz European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119(7) (2017)
Concentration of metabolizable energy and digestibility of amino acids in Chinese produced dehulled double-low rapeseed expellers and non-dehulled double-low rapeseed co-products fed to growing-finishing pigs