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Effective control of Leptosphaeria maculans increases importance of L. biglobosa as a cause of phoma stem canker epidemics on oilseed rape
Yong‐Ju Huang, Siti Nordahliawate M Sidique, Chinthani S Karandeni Dewage, Lakshmi H Gajula, Georgia K Mitrousia, Aiming Qi, Jonathan S West and Bruce DL Fitt Pest Management Science 80(5) 2405 (2024)
Sharing the burden: Cabbage stem flea beetle pest pressure and crop damage are lower in rapeseed fields surrounded by other rapeseed crops
Azole fungicide sensitivity and molecular mechanisms of reduced sensitivity in Irish Pyrenopeziza brassicae populations
Diana E. Bucur, Yong‐Ju Huang, Bruce D. L. Fitt and Steven Kildea Pest Management Science 80(5) 2393 (2024)
Endophytic Bacillus vallismortis and Bacillus tequilensis bacteria isolated from medicinal plants enhance phosphorus acquisition and fortify Brassica napus L. vegetative growth and metabolic content
Aziza Nagah, Mostafa M. El-Sheekh, Omnia M. Arief, Mashael Daghash Alqahtani, Basmah M. Alharbi and Ghada E. Dawwam Frontiers in Plant Science 15 (2024)
Functional genomics of Brassica napus: Progress, challenges, and perspectives
Enzyme‐assisted extraction of rapeseed oil with minimum water addition: a proof‐of‐concept study
Kristian Thomsen, Norbert Raak, Sandra Beyer Gregersen, Lars Månsson and Eleonora Miquel Becker International Journal of Food Science & Technology 59(5) 3013 (2024)
Development of Oil Industry in Poland in the Context of the European Union
High replacement of soybean meal by different types of rapeseed meal is detrimental to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth, antioxidant capacity, non-specific immunity and Aeromonas hydrophila tolerance
Effects of Annual Straw Incorporation Combined with Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Rice Season on Dry Matter and Nutrient Accumulation Characteristics of Subsequent Rapeseed
Evaluation of Resistance of Oilseed Rape Genotypes to Turnip Yellows Virus
Emad Ibrahim, Andrea Rychlá, Glenda Alquicer, Lucie Slavíková, Qi Peng, Miroslav Klíma, Viktor Vrbovský, Piotr Trebicki and Jiban Kumar Kundu Plants 12(13) 2501 (2023)
Analysis of gaps in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) collections in European genebanks
Stephan Weise, Roel Hoekstra, Kim Jana Kutschan, Markus Oppermann, Rob van Treuren and Ulrike Lohwasser Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (2023)
Natural variation and artificial selection at the BnaC2.MYB28 locus modulate Brassica napus seed glucosinolate
Mapping rapeseed in China during 2017-2021 using Sentinel data: an automated approach integrating rule-based sample generation and a one-class classifier (RSG-OC)
Yunze Zang, Yuean Qiu, Xuehong Chen, Jin Chen, Wei Yang, Yifei Liu, Longkang Peng, Miaogen Shen and Xin Cao GIScience & Remote Sensing 60(1) (2023)
An improved multi-objective brainstorming algorithm with the application of rapeseed germination characteristics optimization
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Bio-Refinery of Oilseeds: Oil Extraction, Secondary Metabolites Separation towards Protein Meal Valorisation—A Review
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Consortium of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria enhances oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) growth under normal and saline conditions
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Bioactive Phytochemicals from Vegetable Oil and Oilseed Processing By-products
Parisa Jafarian Asl and Razieh Niazmand Reference Series in Phytochemistry, Bioactive Phytochemicals from Vegetable Oil and Oilseed Processing By-products 1 (2022)
Canola protein aerogels via salt-induced gelation and supercritical carbon dioxide drying
Rapeseed meal processing and dietary enzymes modulate excreta inositol phosphate profile, nutrient availability, and production performance of broiler chickens
Spontaneous and enzymatic fermentation of rapeseed cake for broiler nutrition
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Peroxisomal β-oxidation stimulates cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver in diabetic mice
Development of Metallo (Calcium/Magnesium) Polyurethane Nanocomposites for Anti-Corrosive Applications
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State-of-the-art UV-assisted 3D printing via a rapid syringe-extrusion approach for photoactive vegetable oil acrylates produced in one-step synthesis
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Phytotoxic Effects of Selected Herbal Extracts on the Germination, Growth and Metabolism of Mustard and Oilseed Rape
The study of rapeseeds ash composition in the conditions of the agroecological experiment
Tatyana Zubkova, Svetlana Motyleva, Olga Dubrovina and Ján Brindza Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences 15 156 (2021)
Growth Promotion of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and Blackleg Disease (Leptosphaeria maculans) Suppression Mediated by Endophytic Bacteria
Nikola Lipková, Juraj Medo, Renata Artimová, Jana Maková, Jana Petrová, Soňa Javoreková and Jaroslav Michalko Agronomy 11(10) 1966 (2021)
Identification of Brassica napus small RNAs responsive to infection by a necrotrophic pathogen
The RapeseedMap10 database: annual maps of rapeseed at a spatial resolution of 10 m based on multi-source data
Jichong Han, Zhao Zhang, Yuchuan Luo, Juan Cao, Liangliang Zhang, Jing Zhang and Ziyue Li Earth System Science Data 13(6) 2857 (2021)
Warm and Wet Autumns Favour Yield Losses of Oilseed Rape Caused by Phoma Stem Canker
Oat Polar Lipids Improve Cardiometabolic-Related Markers after Breakfast and a Subsequent Standardized Lunch: A Randomized Crossover Study in Healthy Young Adults
Mohammad Mukul Hossain, Juscelino Tovar, Lieselotte Cloetens, Maria T. Soria Florido, Karin Petersson, Frederic Prothon and Anne Nilsson Nutrients 13(3) 988 (2021)
Strategy of Salt Tolerance and Interactive Impact of Azotobacter chroococcum and/or Alcaligenes faecalis Inoculation on Canola (Brassica napus L.) Plants Grown in Saline Soil
Arafat Abdel Hamed Abdel Latef, Amal M. Omer, Ali A. Badawy, Mahmoud S. Osman and Marwa M. Ragaey Plants 10(1) 110 (2021)
Waitea circinata var. zeae Causing Root Rot of Cabbage and Oilseed Rape
Molecular detection and identification of Brassica juncea phyllody and witches’ broom-associated phytoplasmas of group 16SrVI-A in Inner Mongolia, China
Rainfall interception by winter rapeseed in Brandenburg (Germany) under various nitrogen fertilization treatments
Katrin Drastig, Teresa Suárez Quiñones, Mohammad Zare, Karl-Heinz Dammer and Annette Prochnow Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 268 308 (2019)
Size, age and surrounding semi-natural habitats modulate the effectiveness of flower-rich agri-environment schemes to promote pollinator visitation in crop fields
Elena Krimmer, Emily A. Martin, Jochen Krauss, Andrea Holzschuh and Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 284 106590 (2019)
Bio-Waste Thermal Insulation Panel for Sustainable Building Construction in Steady and Unsteady-State Conditions
The Use of Waste from the Production of Rapeseed Oil for Obtaining of New Polyurethane Composites
Joanna Paciorek-Sadowska, Marcin Borowicz, Marek Isbrandt, Bogusław Czupryński and Łukasz Apiecionek Polymers 11(9) 1431 (2019)
Evaluation of the Oxidative Stability of Cold‐Pressed Rapeseed Oil by Rancimat and Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry Measurements
Edyta Symoniuk, Katarzyna Ratusz and Krzysztof Krygier European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 121(2) (2019)
Effects of glufosinate-ammonium herbicide and pod sealant on spiderPardosa agrestis
Jana Niedobová, Lucie Krištofová, Radek Michalko, et al. Journal of Applied Entomology 143(3) 196 (2019)
Environmental Water Footprints
P. Araujo, A. P. Arena, B. Civit, et al. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes, Environmental Water Footprints 1 (2019)
Low-Input Herbicide Management: Effects on Rapeseed Production and Profitability
Paola A. Deligios, Gianluca Carboni, Roberta Farci, Stefania Solinas and Luigi Ledda Sustainability 10(7) 2258 (2018)
Synthesis of organofunctional silane from rapeseed oil and its application as a coating material
Not in your usual Top 10: protists that infect plants and algae
Arne Schwelm, Julia Badstöber, Simon Bulman, Nicolas Desoignies, Mohammad Etemadi, Richard E. Falloon, Claire M. M. Gachon, Anne Legreve, Julius Lukeš, Ueli Merz, Anna Nenarokova, Martina Strittmatter, Brooke K. Sullivan and Sigrid Neuhauser Molecular Plant Pathology 19(4) 1029 (2018)
The bioconversion of waste products from rapeseed processing into keto acids by Yarrowia lipolytica
Mapping QTL controlling agronomic traits in a doubled haploid population of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Farshad Fattahi, Barat Ali Fakheri, Mahmood Solouki, Christian Möllers and Abbas Rezaizad Journal of Genetics 97(5) 1389 (2018)
Review on Nutritional Limitations and Opportunities of using Rapeseed Meal and other Rape Seed by - Products in Animal Feeding
Increasing genetic variability in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ) – Genotypes and phenotypes of oilseed rape transformed by wild type Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Desak Putu Ristami Paramita, Nunung Nuryartono and Noer Azam Achsani JURNAL EKONOMI DAN KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN 4(1) 28 (2018)
Improving of hydrolases biosythesis by solid-state fermentation of Penicillium camemberti on rapeseed cake
Filip Boratyński, Ewa Szczepańska, Aleksandra Grudniewska, Radosław Gniłka and Teresa Olejniczak Scientific Reports 8(1) (2018)
Biuret and Bradford Methods Suitability for Protein Quantification in Rapeseed Meal
Synergetic Use of Principal Component Analysis Applied to Normed Physicochemical Measurements and GC × GC‐MS to Reveal the Stabilization Effect of Selected Essential Oils on Heated Rapeseed Oil
Lilia Sghaier, Christophe B. Y. Cordella, Douglas N. Rutledge, Fanny Lefèvre, Mickaël Watiez, Sylvie Breton, Patrick Sassiat, Didier Thiebaut and Jérôme Vial Journal of Food Science 82(6) 1333 (2017)
Proteomic Investigations of Proteases Involved in Cotyledon Senescence: A Model to Explore the Genotypic Variability of Proteolysis Machinery Associated with Nitrogen Remobilization Efficiency during the Leaf Senescence of Oilseed Rape
Assessing the Availability of Terrestrial Biotic Materials in Product Systems (BIRD)
Vanessa Bach, Markus Berger, Natalia Finogenova and Matthias Finkbeiner Sustainability 9(1) 137 (2017)
Effects of exposure to winter oilseed rape grown from thiamethoxam-treated seed on the red mason bee Osmia bicornis
Natalie Ruddle, Charlotte Elston, Olaf Klein, Anja Hamberger and Helen Thompson Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37(4) 1071 (2017)
The influence of oil extraction process of different rapeseed varieties on the ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in broiler chickens
Characterization of Brassica napus L. genotypes utilizing sequence-related amplified polymorphism and genotyping by sequencing in association with cluster analysis
Physical and chemical changes of rapeseed meal proteins during toasting and their effects on in vitro digestibility
Sergio Salazar-Villanea, Erik M. A. M. Bruininx, Harry Gruppen, et al. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 7(1) (2016)