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Selective extraction of napins: Process optimization and impact on structural and functional properties

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Canola/rapeseed protein – nutritional value, functionality and food application: a review

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Rapeseed proteins for technical applications: Processing, isolation, modification and functional properties – A review

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Identification, characterization and epitope mapping of proteins encoded by putative allergenic napin genes from Brassica rapa

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Enhanced Solubility of Rapeseed Meal Protein Isolates Prepared by Sequential Isoelectric Precipitation

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Emulsifying and Anti-Oxidative Properties of Proteins Extracted from Industrially Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Press-Cake

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Valorization of Rapeseed Meal: Influence of Ethanol Antinutrients Removal on Protein Extractability, Amino Acid Composition and Fractional Profile

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In Silico, Molecular Docking and In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of the Major Rapeseed Seed Storage Proteins

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Oilseeds beyond oil: Press cakes and meals supplying global protein requirements

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Value of hydroalcoholic treatment of rapeseed for oil extraction and protein enrichment

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The Effects of Oil Extraction Methods on Recovery Yield and Emulsifying Properties of Proteins from Rapeseed Meal and Press Cake

Karolina Östbring, Emma Malmqvist, Kajsa Nilsson, Ia Rosenlind and Marilyn Rayner
Foods 9 (1) 19 (2019)

Protein extraction from agri-food residues for integration in biorefinery: Potential techniques and current status

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Protein Recovery from Rapeseed Press Cake: Varietal and Processing Condition Effects on Yield, Emulsifying Capacity and Antioxidant Activity of the Protein Rich Extract

Karolina Östbring, Cecilia Tullberg, Stina Burri, Emma Malmqvist and Marilyn Rayner
Foods 8 (12) 627 (2019)

Seed Yield Components and Seed Quality of Oilseed Rape Are Impacted by Sulfur Fertilization and Its Interactions With Nitrogen Fertilization

Emilie Poisson, Jacques Trouverie, S. Brunel-Muguet, et al.
Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (2019)

Microalgae for integrated food and fuel production

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GCB Bioenergy 11 (1) 326 (2019)

Lysine Supply Is a Critical Factor in Achieving Sustainable Global Protein Economy

Ilkka Leinonen, Pietro P. M. Iannetta, Robert M. Rees, et al.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3 (2019)

Review on Nutritional Limitations and Opportunities of using Rapeseed Meal and other Rape Seed by - Products in Animal Feeding

Tekeba Nega
Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering 8 (1) (2018)

Influence of process conditions during aqueous protein extraction upon yield from pre-pressed and cold-pressed rapeseed press cake

Andreas Fetzer, Thomas Herfellner, Andreas Stäbler, Michael Menner and Peter Eisner
Industrial Crops and Products 112 236 (2018)

Canola/rapeseed protein-functionality and nutrition

Janitha P.D. Wanasundara, Tara C. McIntosh, Suneru P. Perera, Thushan S. Withana-Gamage and Pranabendu Mitra
OCL 23 (4) D407 (2016)