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Cited article:

Designing a model to investigate cropping systems aiming to control both parasitic plants and weeds

Olivia Pointurier, Stéphanie Gibot-Leclerc, Delphine Moreau, et al.
European Journal of Agronomy 129 126318 (2021)

Trophic Relationships between the Parasitic Plant Species Phelipanche ramosa (L.) and Different Hosts Depending on Host Phenological Stage and Host Growth Rate

Delphine Moreau, Stéphanie Gibot-Leclerc, Annette Girardin, et al.
Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (2016)

Phelipanche ramosa (L.) Pomel populations differ in life-history and infection response to hosts

Stéphanie Gibot-Leclerc, Fabrice Dessaint, Carole Reibel and Valérie Le Corre
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 208 (4) 247 (2013)

Non-host facilitators, a new category that unexpectedly favours parasitic weeds

Stéphanie Gibot-Leclerc, Nadia Abdennebi-Abdemessed, Carole Reibel and Nathalie Colbach
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33 (4) 787 (2013)